Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Sizzling Confidence


I don't think I'll ever be above the holding hands in cinema thing. In fact, I once told a guy 'I'm gonna put my hands in your popcorn and you can reach for the popcorn too if you wanna.'

The oblivious bugger told me, 'nah, I'm good,' though.

Bloody hell, I put myself out there and what does he do?

As I reached for the popcorn, however, his hands went around my waist and he grabbed me in a tight embrace.

That was a great date.


  1. hahaha obviously there wasnt anything to touch in the popcorn :)

  2. I put my bloody hand there lor.. but heh heh, i like his arms around my waist better! :P~

  3. Obviously he liked you better than popcorn! Now that's great!

  4. Yayz. One date of the many. :(
